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Old July 9th, 2003, 09:21 PM   #15
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Originally posted by §tarlite
They took my Vicks Inhaler too! They said it was drug paraphenalia.
What if I was sick and needed it???


You win a prize for making the dumbest statement I've read today!!

*hands you a retard sandwich*

First of all...In my mind, it is "drug paraphenilia". Not to say that I myself haven't brought one in to the Opera House but to claim that it isn't "drug paraphenilia" is just ridiculous. I'm quite surprised that Opera House security confiscated it, as their security team seems to be one of the most lax I've come across in 5 years of partying but hey that's their perogative. If one of the purposes of having a security team check bags, monitor the crowd, etc. is to keep drug use down to a mininum then confiscating a product like that is perfectly justified in my mind. Secondly, there is no way that you can be so sick to need a Vick's Inhaler...a Vick's Inhaler only alleviates the symptoms of an illness...that's it. It's not like an asthma inhaler where having one or not could mean Life or Death. If you in fact were deathly ill and still felt somehow that you desperately needed a Vick's inhaler, then you shouldn't be at a party in the first place. That is all.
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