Join Date: May 1999
Location: The Bordello
Photos: 8 
Journal Entries: 25
Firstly, it's extrememly rude for the bartenders to demand tips. I was given courteous service all night by the cutie in the red belly top.
Secondly, it's extremely rude to not tip whatsoever. If you don't want to tip, don't drink. Don't bitch about the price of booze being more at the bar, because that's where they make their money. You're not paying the extra dollar to the bartender, you're paying it to the bar owner. If you can't afford to tip, then you probably shouldn't be spending your money on booze in the first place.
As an (out of work) bartender myself, you guys are quite pissing me off with the whole 'automatic tipping' debate. I detest going out with people who are shitty tippers. I've chipped in $20 on my $15 of the bill, and seen the total end up as $65 on $60... cheap fucks, and I let them know.
If it's shit service, complain, or don't leave a good tip, but otherwise, TIP YOU CHEAP BASTARDS!