Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Mpls, MN
Photos: 24 
Journal Entries: 4
i have major issues about this, sometimes i dont tip people, if i get shitty service, or someone is an ass, and my friends have more than once called me cheap for this. Personally I dont think anyone being a bitch to me or not even doing the bare minimum of their work should ever be tipped, or they will think they should always act like that...and to the people who say you should always tip because of taxes or something, i have worked as a waitress and it simply isnt the case, you do have to claim your tips, but your actual tip amount not some made up estimate, and I agree with most of you NEVER EVER assume you are getting a tip, EVER thats sooo rude..sometimes the pizza delivery boys do that and even if i was planning on tipping i dont because i think it is awful!
The security thought my ID was fake or something because they said they couldnt except it (a completely legal minnesota drivers license) so I didnt get the *pleasure* of dealing with these people.
Remember when we first met, Friends until the end, I'll hold you in my heart, until we meet again!