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Old April 21st, 2003, 09:33 PM   #7
DJ Tranzit
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i don't tip for no reason...
i tip because i am happy with the service i got. if the service is shit, and it's the fault of the person i am "supposed to be" tipping, not something out of their control, then i won't tip. I tip what i feel my service level was.

infact if i feel the service was shit, and they made a point to make it shitty, i will only tip $0.01, and then ask for a complaint form and/or ask to see a manager.

i ordered swiss chalet once, and the guy decided not to give me my change of over $4.00 on a $35.00 order.. I paid with 2 x $20.00 bills.. i never asked for change, although he never offered it.. he gave me my food first, i gave him the money, and he just turned around and left. No "thanks" no "have a good night" no "goodbye", no nothing.. as he was walking away, i say "excuse me... excuse me... EXCUSE ME" and he just keeps walking.. so i called swiss chalet.. explain the situation.. tell them i am pissed about it all, and i refer to this guy as the shit stain on persian carpet, and that i wouldn't expect this level of service from swiss chalet, although i would from pizza pizza or something... so to sum it up, the guy was forced to come back and give me exact change... i took it all, then tipped him a penny and told him to put it towards his gas money he just wasted driving back to see me.

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