WOWZERS!! just got home about 1 hour back to nyc at like 10 but hung out with friend john and relaxed

GET HYPE was one of the best hullas i have ever attended!! everything was soo great! the music was phenomenal and the line up was great! i couldn't of asked for a better weekend!!!
im quite tired but i will try to do my best with shout outs!!!
starting with Friday night meeting people at seans party.....
end-finally we met ... it was great talking with you!!
objectiveview- you know what is what ....... it was such a great pleasure to meet you jim. keep it real hon.
okidam- you are such a great guy

you're ep was good. you have some serious potential.
gosh there were a lot of people at friday night that are on the boards that i forget their names......ahhhhhhh
thanks for the treats pacman
okay saturday!!!
first and foremost, polarisglobear my missy homegirly girl from cali!!! you soo rock!! we defintely have to party in cali together!!!! HAPPY HULLA!!!! candy 4ever!!!
kraver1981-must definitely do it again you are just soo laid back and i love that in people.......hope you enjoyed yourself, i know ya did
mced-great seeing you again. fun dancing

woot woot
djwolf-nice actually talkin with you

leah, kait, mr t, polina, karlos-as always great seeing your faces and being together partying

keron-hon, you know i would never forget a face like yours....... i am soo glad we talk. wish there was more than just hulla

spunn-^^ see above great times and great hugs

heater-great seeing you again as well.
moondancer!! you are the BEST!! thanks from the bottom of my heart for the stage dancing opps
god there are soo many people to talk about!!!
polina finally got to talk to you. even tho we didn't talk too much, you are such a pretty girl.
robb-enjoy the sars bracelet
magoo and kelly!! always a pleasure.........miss ya already kell.
jenna, kate and nikki- i love you girls!! i love seeing you girls rock it out together!!
neverlandgurl-such a smiley girl w/ lotsa love!!
frolic-you know how much i love hulla--u do dontcha??
dminus-washroom writing!! TMI!!!
everyone i missed forgive me im as tired as tired can be if you can imagine

hugs and love....HARDCORE foreva!
jerzee jenn