Friendship Crew
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: the land of slapping and screaming
Photos: 18 
Journal Entries: 10
Originally posted by CandyGirl23
I'm officially excited about this party now... me and my friend jill will be lil' hulla easter bunnies. (Not too original, but fun anyways) Blue funfur outfits w/ white ears, giving out lil' eggs w/ candy in em. (I got the eggs cheap at target, and some candy from another store) Yay for being on vacation from school and having time to be creative
totally had this idea way long ago...figured we'd have to keep the candy sealed when we got to the door and then fill all the eggs....don't have the patience once we get inside...need to dance  so no eggs for hulla 
i'm takin it back to the old skool cause i'm an old fool who's so cool
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