It was my first hulla too! My friend Sunny (neverlandgurl) took me and my roommate jenn (thehatgrl00), and we had the absolute time of our lives. We left Central New York at 4 on Saturday afternoon, and were back here by 1 on Sunday afternoon. It all seemed so surreal, like a dream. It seems absolutely impossible that someone could have had as much fun as i did in under 24 hours. If I didn't have a gazillion pictures of it, I wouldn't believe it had actually happened. It's Tuesday now, and I still am raving (pardon the pun) about Hulla to anyone who will listen to me. Thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Hullas and had your picture taken by the crazy girl with the cape on her shirt. I can't wait for the next hulla to come around!
You can't miss me, I'm the girl with the smile
Shake like an earthquake, and cut like a guillotine