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Old February 10th, 2003, 12:25 AM   #39
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Last night was fanfriggintastic
Deffinatley the best hulla since the anthems.
The vibe was off the HOOK!

I was going to write revues for each set but they all sounded the same
Vibes was the first Hulla Headliner that didn't truly dissapoint in a few partys
Hulla residents were amazing all great sets.
Elixer I was dancing to hardtrance If you knew me thats a complament trust me
Sliver1 had me dancing still way after my body should have shut down.

the people

Kandeegirl It was a pleasure to meet you. you are truly a great person
p.s the gift bag ROCKED!!!!!
Keron: It was nice to FINALLY put a face to my hullaboard twin
Magoo: the footage I saw you taping looked amazing looking foreward to seeing the vid
David and Teva: The Cutest couple ever
my crew
Nat, Faz, Mike, Matty, Jer, Darrin, Shane, Kim and last but deffinatley not least my baby Erin
you guys rock I couldn't ask for a better group of friends!!!
don't follow me im lost
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