Originally posted by Troile
Kandi Kat...You were awesome. Love your smile.
Awww.. Mentioned first. *hugz* It was awesome meeting everyone too.. Sorry I had to leave so early.. I would've stayed and partied, but the change of pace (among other things) was enough to make me want to pack it in. Perhaps it's where my newbieness shows the most. Maybe we'll try this again in a couple months.
MaTch, Polina, Troile, DynamicHalfDuo, xRaverx, That guy in the white shirt, The girl I cuddled in line, The guy with her, Punky_K, Mel and probably a million others I'm forgetting *SQUEEZIES* You guys are da bomb. I hope to see you ALL again soon..
~Kat, the tired, sore and slightly confused n00b