hmmm just got in.... Ughm... great party! Simply amazing... had to work until 10pm which was a bummer.. but as soon as I stepped in around 11ish... the vibe welcomed me with open arms.. weeeeeeee... too bad I have to work at noon :/ I've also noticed i havent really posted on the hulla board yet had this name registered for quite some time... so like.. yeah... i'mma be around more often... met a lot of people from the hullaboard... was nice.. even though I didnt really dance at all... was too tired from work... but i had a ticket... so i wasnt gunna waste it...
Oh yeah... and when I was there.. I realized Wolf never spun.. and he was like my main reason for going... cuz i hevent seen him spin in quite sometime.. well.. when i was waiting for the streetcar outside... I saw him and found out he spun first... which would make a lot of sense... grrrr I say... GRRR!