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Old January 28th, 2003, 08:40 PM   #7
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Hey I'm going to Hulla alone too!

But its ok...There are going to be so many happy people there. And I'm going to give out candy in the lineup just to make sure I meet them all!

Hulla is the perfect first party. All you need to have a good time is to want to. And you've already got that down.

I'll definately look out for you to give you a Hulla welcome...But you've got to tell us what you're wearing so we can pick you out and make sure its an extra special Hulla.

Btw...I hope that ride thing works out. It sucks that you don't have much money. I'd pick you up but it sounds like you're pretty close to T.? Once I'm on the dvp I plan on staying on it until I'm pretty much there.
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