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Old December 30th, 2002, 04:53 AM   #35
Mrs Frolic
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Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Toronto
I completely forgot to look for that other book! Mr. Frolic got me "Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons" just before he left and I'm hooked. It makes me nostalgic for all the hours I spent playing the original Legend of Zelda with my sister. *sniffle* Sometimes I miss my family so much. It's weird that I've lived here for 4 1/2 years now but sometimes it still feels like I left my family yesterday. That's my sister, in the green dress. You can't really see it in the pic but we look a lot alike.

Okay, so I went and dug up that other book, which is "the book of E" by push & mireille silcott. It discusses how MDMA caught on with the children of the rich oil barons, of 16-y/o's putting $500 hotel rooms on their charge cards and getting all fucked up with their friends while quietly trailed by a parent-assigned chaperone to make sure nothing bad happened to them. But the real problem started when it hit the college campuses:

"The drug had reached non-clubbing high-schoolers and college kids by the winter of 1984. ...It was becoming a major problem. Especially for one segment of students - the ones training for government like their fathers had, the students at the terribly stiff-lipped and church-backed Southern Methodist University.

...'The SMU students usually weren't connected to the club scene, so for them, ecstasy was something with which to complement a fun night, it was a context-less thing to get fucked up on, beer-bash stuff. Watch SMU kids drink beer and you might understand - they are under pressure, they drink not for enjoyment but for oblivion. You'd see the odd one careening into the Starck [nightclub] - taking five, seven, ten pills in one go, overdoing it in a way that there was no possibility that the police and newspapers wouldn't have to get involved. They were obvious, having to be rolled into hospitals in ridiculous states, having gone temporarily blind from overactive eyelid fluttering.'

'And don't forget,' says Hampton, 'They were politician's kids. Their parents were all friends with George Bush (then Vice President of the United States), for God's sake. They were the death knell for legal ecstasy, those kids.'"
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