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Old December 17th, 2002, 10:18 AM   #16
DJ Tranzit
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Re: Re: Re: Digital Outlaws = A good time

oh dear.. you sir are almost at the point of no hope.. you sound like a grade 9 who just wants to rebel against society.... please... keep quiet, as you are making a fool of yourself. you may think it is, but infact it is not "cool" to call cops assholes and pigs because they shut the party down.

here's a couple examples:
You know what, though? THEY SHUT DOWN OUR FUCKING PARTY!!!!
what else did you want them to do? what they did was completely legal, and i'm sure it would have happened anywhere else in this country, or for that matter, the USA as well. Don't quote me on this one, but I would guess that the cops in the USA would be much more strict and would have probably made a lot of arrests ontop of shutting it down. You come up with what YOU would do in a situation like this..
- one kid refuses medical attention, and has clearly overdosed
- one kid is brought to you and has enough drugs on him to be charged with trafficing
- you have a "rave" - something that is looked down upon by society for the most part
- you don't know what else is going on inside, but are worried for the safety and well-being of the patrons left.
- if anything is to happen from this point on, you could be held responsible for problems because you didn't make the call to end it before.

I really hate cops. I dont NECESSARILY hate the people. I hate the uniform, and I hate what they have to do. I hate thier guns, and i ESPECIALLY hate asshole cops.
let me just forward this quote with your name, address and drivers licence number over to the local police ok? don't mind?

no you say? aww.. that's too bad... because obviously you forgot that this is a public message board - it's not just "ravers" that read these lines, but also police, government officials, the media and many others. you're not just speaking for yourself, but for everyone in this "scene". Thanks for making us look like idiots. It's because of attitudes like yours that we are having so many problems. if we don't work with the cops, how do you expect them to work with us. don't be suprised if you get a j-walking ticket sometime. if i was on the force i would just wait for you to screw up with something as stupid as dropping your gum wrapper on the ground and then slap you with a nice hefty fine for littering.

I suppose my hatred for cops stems from the fact that they represent all this is wrong with humanity, and they are a grim reminder of the world we live in.
don't blame the cops... blame the drug dealers, rapists, murderers and other fine upstanding citizens of this world. cops are trying to remove these people from the streets, not condone their actions or help them.

That and the fact that I've been arrested and almost incarcerated for POT! Not mugging somebody! Not raping or killing! POT! A fucking plant for gods sake!
it's still illegal... but officer it's only a bebe gun.. it doesn't actually hurt anyone... oh.. did i just shoot someone in the eye and blind them for life?.... funny how something harmless can result in something so serious?!? oh.. officer, it's only a gram of weed.. try to forget the fact that after i smoke this weed, i'll be driving, in which i will be impaired and possibly take the life of an innocent bystander of my actions.

I say that anyone whose ready to take your freedoms away deserves a thumbs down in my book.
does this mean i have the freedom to slap you upside the head for being a dipshit? hold on.. i have a better idea.. how about i just shoot you a couple times in the stomach... you know.. seeing as i now have the freedom to carry a concealed weapon, and shoot people... it's freedom right? and this is what you want?

Anybody whose willing to shut down a beautiful hulla party deserves to be arrested themselves.
you must be kidding.
once again, it was done legally - it's perfectly fine - many of us would have done the same thing as those officers...

Besides, the amount of times police officers have just annoyed me and inconveinenced my day SEVERELY outweighs the times when i actually felt i needed them. And I KNOW FOR A FACT when i DO happen to need them, they almost certainly wont be there!
.....and when they need you, are you there for them? no.. you never will be...when someone calls 911 because some crazed murderer has taken their family hostage in their own house, would you be willing to barge through the door and possibly get shot to death by this maniac?

these officers are not an inconvienience to you.. you just make it out to be that way. they are upholding the law... something that this society needs more of.

Besides, how do u think D-Minus feels??
i would guess you're talking about elixir, as he was the dj on when the party got shut down.. or maybe you were too high on weed to notice this? none the less, it wasn't a problem with the police that donny had... it was a problem with the sound - if you were to read the other posts/reviews i have made since the party, you would understand this.
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