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Old December 15th, 2002, 02:08 PM   #1
shuko_x's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Dirty Shwa...nuff said
Cool Comments about Digital Outlaws

All and all the best event I attended this year (i didn't go to wemf). I never danced so hard in a long time. I showed up just as Tyco was finished his set (which sucked cuz i was really jones'n for some Breakcore but oh well. ) I came in just as he dropped Piano Progression X, and immediately i was greated by a great vibe. I had a lot of fun:

Subsonic Chronic - wicked set as always (luv the psytrance)

Frisky - not as good as the set at Warp Factor but alright.

Dr.Trance - Exceeded my expectations, especially when he dropped Flaming June i almost had an orgasm. (its my all time fav track)

DJ Fade - one word...Siiiiiiiick yo, every track was solid , period.

Live PA - ahh its amazing what a studio can do to someone who can't sing worth a damn. I don't know if its the fact that she couldn't hear herself over the instruments which were waaay overbearing to her voice. Fn tone deaf. ...big let down

Anabolic Frolic - ok set...had a few good tracks

D-Minus - good set...loved the intro..jungle into deep inside ufo mix...nice

thats it for me...i just woke up ...can't wait till Feb for the next one ....maybe ill have some demo cds to give out by then. I was gonna do up a follow up to my 911 chilli which was a mix of the week at sonic fury. oh well next time .

PLUR ....DJ 10_fLd
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