Thread: The Reviews!!!
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Old December 15th, 2002, 02:06 PM   #1
DJ Tranzit
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The Reviews!!!

well.. i guess i might as well start this, seeing as the other thread is mainly talk about the shut-down.

Well.. my night went a little something like this.......

Get to the venue just before 9pm... a little earlier than i expected.. the DVP was like the autobahn... i coulnd't believe it. We parked and got in line. No probs... Get inside and i realize that i have lost my film! What a bummer! Well... no pictures. I got over it.. Took a listen to tyco's set.. liked that quite a bit. Really enjoyed the new style.. Felt the same way about Subsonic.. awsome set, awsome tracks.

Now... we'll talk about the sound problems later...

Around the end of Pete's set I went upstairs to check out the bar.. Had a beer, mauled around up there and met a couple people.. (also... reviews on my minglings will be later!)

Frisky starts up... great set.. had lots of fun! - Just in his set i look to my bag, realize it's open, and then checked it out... i find that i was missing my VISA card... oh shit! i was in total panic for a good 15 mins.. checked everywhere.. didn't find it. so.. if you found a VISA card, just cut it up.. it's cancelled now.. no purchases thank god. Had lots of fun dancing away on the stage..

After frisky it was upstairs for beerfest... good times had... lots of beers downed. no more needs to be said there.

back downstairs for fade and kelly... not much of a comment on fade's set.. a couple classics i haven't heard in ages which was nice...

frolic was up next... great set... i am usually not too fond of his sets, as i always like to hear some old mixed in with the new, and he's usually just sticking to the new (to each their own!), but i was really happy with what i heard.. everyone was into it, and i had a great time singing along! awsome awsome awsome!

after that, donny steped up to a nightmare of problems.. everything that could go wrong went wrong.. problems with the monitors, mixer, turntables AND cd players! it was literally a nightmare.. (more about this in a min!)

after donny's set, i decided enough was enough... i was tired, feeling nasty, and just wanted to crawl into bed. so... we left! saw a good 15 of metro's finest outside, and thought that was a little wierd... no flyer barrage outside which was quite nice... got back to the car (which warmed up in a snap) and chugged away home..

all in all.. great time..
now.... the sound problems! ahhhhhhhhh

Why oh why won't anyone listen to me when i say go rane? They don't break down! Pioneer = death - geesh... output problems, headphone problems... just nightmares all around.

I feel horrible for poor dminus... his monitors hardly played throughout his set... the one turntable wasn't grounded properly, so there was a nasty buzz in it, another turntable was feeding back pretty bad, and the mixer didn't have a booth output... it was a complete nightmare.. the sound techs were as useless as a pair of boobs you can't touch.. i'm glad they knew what they were doing.. completely unorganized.

well.. i guess there's not a whole lot you can do about it now, except use a rane next time!

now.. for all the people i met!!........

karlos - didn't really get a chance to talk.. nice to meet you though
bebe - same
mced - same
kayla - same

keron - we hardly said boo the each other. that's ok.. we can "hang out" more often in whitby.

mr t - hope you enjoyed the laughter at me and martin's expense.

martin - you're getting a hearing aid for xmas - i thought it was all a game..

marla - oh.. were do i begin - you missy are one girl i need more of. i will get revenge for the water... you wait. you will get it along with spanks and white wine if you're a good girl. oh.. and i got a call from some little boys looking for your number... mind if i give it to them? (and yes.. one was donny) - you need to scan that!!!

stephanie (starlite) - haven't seen ya in quite a while... thanks for saying hi, sorry i was trying to get outta there! ICQ me and we'll chat more..

moondancer - fun times on the stage. we shall meet again! (and you owe me 2 belmonts!)

soju - you're still a riot to party with.. hope to see ya again soon!

donny - have a beer and settle down stallion... i've never seen you so frustrated before.. although it was for good reason, you need to take it easy! sorry i couldn't be more help... my voice was gone, and i could hardly hear you.. the guy at the main board wouldn't listen to me and it was just a nightmare trying to get anything from them.

anyone i missed - geesh.. i'm sorry.. i met a lot of people last night, all of which were awsome with the exception of one who i just wanted to disappear
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