Originally posted by Polina
I hope that is party will be like that, i also hope that i could get out of the friggen house.
Well if it is, then it'll probably be the last hulla because it will lose a lot of money. Bringing in people from the UK adds a BIG cost to the event. Anthems was all local DJs so it was cost feasible to have a bit less people in there.
At the end of the day, Opera House doesn't allow people over the buildings stated capacity. Any other event that is financially succesful (i.e. they at least break even) is gonna be crowded. And as the person mentioned above, compared to some of the big clubs in the city (Government, System Soundbar etc.), hulla events at the opera house are nowhere near as crowded as they are.
A good measure to see how successful a party was is to read the review threads. If there are a lot of posts that say, "Thank you promoter xyz for not packing the place and giving us tons of room to dance", then the promoters most likely lost thousands of dollars.