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Old August 4th, 2002, 09:53 PM   #1
Penguin Bashing Champion! High Score: 3235 
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Thank You Hullabaloo! WEMF RULED!

Alright all I have to say is Wow!!

I had an amazing time... what else could we of asked for. Perfect weather, and don't forget about the amazing move by Frolic during his set! CONGRATS on your engagement!! I wish the best for both of you!.

This being my first event, I though I would feel a little out of place, but I met awsome ppl, who kept me going. Special thanks to Rob, I won't forget ya buddy!

Heads up to BeBe, and the rest of the gang that showed up at the net meet!

However, I do have a beef! I gave out over 40 sparklers for Chris' set, and only a couple people lit them . Those of you who did, thanks!! Thoes who forget... well I can understand.

Saturday night I met this awsome girl dressed in an angel's outfit. If you post on the board send me a PM, and thanks so much for everything!!!

If you think you saw me, you probably did, I was the guy with the wizzards hat. If you where in the hulla tent and didn't see me... Awww... cause I was there all weekend!

Alright, now I just got home so I'm going to shower!! Ahhh.. water!

A lesson in life: Love Hardcore, Feel Hardcore, Be Hardcore!
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