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Old May 13th, 2002, 04:04 AM   #39
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Ok ive had enough time to rest so here's my review.

The night started off with a big dissapointed.
I'm standing in line and see a sign saying Styles didn't make it (big surprise....*cough*).
But I was already I had no intention of leaving. Afterall, how much of a differance was this really going to make?
Anyways I got inside...heard the last 2 minutes of Hujib's I cannot really comment on that. probably was a good set but I was too distracted to really pay attention to the music.
Frisky...good set chris! I'm glad you were able to give Heaven a proper introduction to the hardcore collective. 19+ at a big bud just didn't quite give you the reaction it deserves. It was great to actually talk to you in person for a change...and thanks for playing "all i want".
Marcus...jungle is not my thing. But for whatever reason i really enjoyed this set. I missed some of it because I was one of the 5 or so people who went to that 19+ net I was a lil distracted. It was good to hear shake it tho...its a damn good track.
Frolic...lots of newer me moving...enjoyable nonetheless.
Force & Force.....again a good set. Newer stuff mixed in with the well known anthems. Pretty much the same set from groove is in the heart and funtopia 3 tho. But was hulla so its expected to hear those tracks.
I left about 15 minutes into Dminus' set. Although i'm sure it was full of cheesy goodness.

Some memorable moments...
-seeing tara drink a bottle of wine in 2 minutes...
-tara running around 19+ asking random groups of people "is this the net meet" lol
-finding the net meet and realizing only 5 people showed up
-meeting random hullaboarders: laughtrax....j-karlos...ummm i think thats it lol
-brandie being so drunk she couldn't even stand up
-seeing SCOOT's gf michelle singing along to eye opener
-getting into the "heart of gold" moment then some chick screaming out "look out im gonna puke"
-"oh my god....ive never heard this song before...i'm so happy they played it...three times"
-"holy fuck i gotta get a picture of that"

So yeah....overall a good party. Probably the best opera house hulla with the exception of the first group hug.
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