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Old April 17th, 2000, 06:08 PM   #61
*katie*'s Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: portland, oregon, usa

mattie matt asked:

<< d-d-d-detroit where the party at? >>

RIGHT HERE! I love Detroit, sketchiness and all, but you Toronto kids sure know how to have a good time! This was easily the best party I have ever been to, hands down.. I met so many wonderful people including some new Detroit kiddies, and I've never seen so many kind people around... kids offering each other water and smiling at strangers and giving random hugs. It was beautiful, and truly gave me a new perspective on life right now.

THANK YOU Phil! (and Detroit's Michelle, I should meet you sometime!) you have some good karma coming to you.

THANK YOU Frolic for being so nice, I too was part of a group hug with you and I accosted you for a personal one while I had the chance! your music means so much to me and I don't think I can express to you how happy your set made me on Saturday, it brought me to tears then and I still get all misty just remembering. I'll remember Saturday for the rest of my life, and probably tell my kids about it someday. it was that special.

And of course, many thanks to my Detroit friends for making Saturday so memorable, at least some of us can unify right? (especially my traveling companions -- Mattie Matt, Lace, and Liz -- I can't believe we topped February! soooo fun!) Toronto kids, you rule and I hope you know how lucky you have it! I met so many people, thanks for being so nice and welcoming! Leslie and Dave, *smoooooch*! thanks for hanging out with us after the party! Klubmasta Will, so nice to meet you! okay, I really should wrap this up huh? *****HUGS*****


[This message has been edited by *katie* (edited April 17, 2000).]
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