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Old April 17th, 2000, 03:57 PM   #54
Mattie Matt
Join Date: May 1999
Location: ann arbor, mi, usa

what a nite...we debated for two days whether or not we should even make the drive up since there were only going to be 850 let in or whatever. sacrifices were made, sleep was ignored, and we were off to toronto saturday morning. it was sooo worth it, too. only the most dedicated were there. only those who truly wanted to, no..HAD to be there. elixir was awesome, as usual. i made the mistake of drinking a little too much so that during orange peel and dr. trance's set, i was in depression mode and couldn't stop thinking of all the school shit i had to do when i went home. maybe i would have enjoyed their sets more if i hadn't been schwilly. but frolic...your set reminded me of a little hand out that caillia made once...saying "last night a dj saved my life." your set brought me back to life, made the night worthwhile, made me forget for an hour about everything besides having a wonderful time and being with great people. shooting star was awesome. and heart of gold brought back all the memories of spring roll and reminded me why i LOVE the opera house, and more importantly, why i love hullabaloo. amazing. thanks for the memories, everyone. thanks to chris, phil, and my detroit gurl michelle for coming together to save the night. i'll never forget group hug. *hugs*


d-d-d-detroit where the party at?
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