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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:53 PM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
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All I have to say is WOW... I can't remember what the hour was, but I think it was sometime during Vinyltrixta's set, I saw Frolic had arrived, and was onstage... hugs went all around, the 'man of the hour' had come. I had heard that potential police problems would be keeping Frolic at home until the coast appeared clear, I don't know if the vibe kicked up a notch then (to use an Emeril-ism) but I know here and there people were pointing out to their friends or having it pointed out to them that Chris was *there*.

His set was well worth the wait. Its been described above, and he deserved every second of the whistles, shouting, applause, and all the love and respect the crowd could whip up before he went on...

Set was amazing... old and new, Frolic describes it better than I can... Holy smokeses...

And there was no way I was leaving until it was over. Yeah, 5:55 am, his just saying a few simple words from the heart, at least anytime we the crowd let the applause, shouts and whistles settle down... my God! And ever gracious, making sure that Phil got in the spotlight again, what a class act. (Thank you Phil! Thank you Funhouse!)

There was love in that room, everyone united for our scene, and massive respect for the people who busted their asses to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat at cost of time, money, and even potentially their liberty, if the police had such an ax to grind with Hullabaloo! and those aligning themselves with Frolic.

Then of course, Heart of Gold, and group hug earned its name Just little 'knots' of people spontaneously formed, then it became a giant circle hug on the dancefloor. Never seen anything like it. Maybe at the next Hulla (and I'm more confident than ever that these people have got the determination to fight the good fight) we'll see its likes again.

This event was simply the best.


PS - MC Livelee, bouncing around and doing that ass slapping routine a couple of times - classic Get him to Canada more often!!!
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