I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.My name is Michelle & my production co is Funhouse - based is Detroit . I've been part of the Phryl kru stateside for over 2 years. Phil called me and told me of Chris's problems.I was more than happy to help.
It is very fitting that this event be by Funhouse, as I've been through a lot in Detroit trying to work in a underground environment - including being arrested for noise violations!
It is my hope that the Police here will come to understand that legal venues and proper security including them is needed to in sure the safety of all .By working with us helping us to control crowds,crime,and drugs.
Our culture is based on Peace Love Unity Respect and Family!It is a lifestyle not just words on the bottom of a flyer!When a member of the Famliy is in trouble we all should help.This is our culture and it is worth saving.All my love to the Hullo kru. It is my honour to help in any way I can.