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Old December 6th, 1999, 12:16 AM   #31
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Toronto
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My experience at *LIQUID HULLABALOO*..(hehe)..was great!!

Its of course, always nice to see everyone at one party.

My highlights of the night were..

-going over to the Fox & Fiddle, and downing some beers and playing pool, then thinking we were gonna wait in line for hours, and only waiting about 10 minutes.
-Chris C's & Pete's set were DYNAMITE!!!
-gettin my GI Joe present from m1key...who we appropiately named *CO3*...hehe
-gettin my present from Taleen..a cute 'lil bear who speaks, and balloons!! thanks again ROCK!!
-super sketch at the Golden Griddle..
-finally meeting some folks ive been wanting to meet!!

cant think of anymore now....more to come


-besides "Lake Hulla" & some real bad things happened.

Very fun was at least for me!!

Cheers to everyone i met, and to everyone i saw again.

CO2 & CO3


[This message has been edited by CO2 (edited 12-05-1999).]
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