1. Gatekeeper(Gizmo, Dominik vs.Spock)mmmm...
2. Sonic Storm (he he, Spock again!!! Wildchild mmmmmm.... Actually just about every set was wicked!!)
3. Smoking weed with Kelly and being retards together!!!
4. Dominik 'cause he always gets tha party goin'!!!
5. Seeing Heather really really high 'cause she's funny!!!
6. Watching Ty do the uncontrollable laugh!!!
7. Foreverland 'cause it was really good!!!(more hulla parties need to follow)
8. Me and Katie laughing at stuff at Flashpoint!!!!
9. Kelly Jokes!!
10. When I met Amanda at Sonic Storm but I couldn't talk to her 'cause I was a wreck!!
11. The "Book of Ty"
12. Even though it hasn't happened yet, "COMMUNISM" 'cause I know it's gonna be a bomb ass party!!
13. Oh yeah most of all, Newstyle and Oldstyle HARDCORE 'cause there da bestest!!
he he he..... dis years been good!!!
SmOkE wEeD!!!