My turn.
- Hmmmmmm. Let's see.
Will getting me to MC for one of Frolic's songs at DIY NYE (NEVER AGAIN WILL!!!!)
Hullabaloo Big Top. Speaker incident. Nuff said (NEVER AGAIN!!!)
EBF 1 - The first time I ever spun in front of people (after having spun for 23 days). I did ok but I think it's because I didn't know any better.
DIY Spring-roll - Seeing Adrian on his ass for the first time ever!!!
Hullabaloo Foreverland - Unsolicited hug from frolic. That's when I can tell that he's just loving his own parties and isn't stressed out. Looking for a place to sit with Will. Going completely nuts when I saw my name (sliver1
) on a flyer for the first time. Thanks for the suprise Beth and Darryl.
Uproar - My first real party as a DJ. Thank-you so much Beth and Darryl for giving me a shot. You guys are the best.
Release (Ottawa). - going with Alison and Erin for coffee, and smokes, and McDonalds ice cream, and Burger King while waiting for my set (7:30 a.m.)
Funtopia - The whole night kicked ass. My favourite party by far. Dancing my ass off for frolic and Brisk. Seeing Pete with the biggest smile on his face during his set. Chatting with Brisk and Ham in the morning about the future of Happy Hardcore.
Delicate Beats (Ottawa) - One of my worst sets ever but I felt sooo much better after coffee and donuts with Chris and Robin. Without a doubt the most interesting couple I've ever met. Oh the stories
WEMF - SOO many memories. Hooking up with a special person who makes me happier than I've ever been. Conspiring with Madame Zu to give Mark EG an exploding cigarette. The look on Chris' face on Saturday morning when I asked him "How are things going?". (If looks could kill hee hee). Pete's set. You totally mastered the 1998/Man in the Moon mix. I had goose bumps Pete.
Paradigm Shift - the feeling I had after I pulled off my set in the "Cement Echo Chamber" as I like to call it. The look on Elixir's face after I gave him an exploding cigarette (do you see a pattern here folks).
Pete's set. So Hard. So crisp. So ..... (tears well up in my eyes)
Techno Invasion - Next to Hulla Funtopia the best party ever. Giving ANOTHER exploding cigarette to Mark EG (BUWAHAHAHAHAHA). Dancing my ass off and then chilling outside.
Citrus - Chilling with Sandy and Dan throughout the night.
EBF 1.5 - Spinning with Rowan (The best technical HH DJ in the city) and finally settling down after a few beers. I was a wee bit nervous at first. Nothing Beer won't fix. The Blair Witch walk. Chatting with Sandy, Luka, Will and Baby raver behind the Knights of Columbus.
There's more but I can't think of them right now.