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Old November 25th, 1999, 02:30 PM   #6
Join Date: May 1999
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damn what a good idea... *pr0pz* i'm going to have a hard time remembering it all...

i have some interesting memories of my first party of 99... resonance III. that was one helluva cool venue. it was some sort of an arabian banquet hall...

trip to the moon in february is still special for me... it was valetine's day weekend and i came home with quite the crush... on a certain hullaboarder... chick_e oh where are you now darlin.. [incedentally, thats how i got on here ]... i remember chillin wiff her on one of the couches, just yakkin up a storm for a while.. what a sweetie :P

total eclipse at the end of february was massive fun. someone i had met puked all over like five people, myself included. she's now a good friend. don't ask, it was fucken weird... that was the night that angry naked man made his debut on the dancefloor. yeah! plus that night was the most & best goa i've heard all year at a toronto party... matt boom i took home a slinky that was part of the amazing decorations at this party and its still kickin around my apartment...

DIY spring roll. i tripped hard through this party and it was tons of fun. loved the lighting. the music wasn't really my thing and it was agonizing to wait for chronic in the morning at some ungodly hour when everyone should be at home sleeping... but hey. met lots of hullaboarders. i remember someone pointing out everyone on stage "thats mikey, thats gollum, thats ____". sad memories of short-e saw a pretty fine light show from eggboi. chillin by the speakers in the morning with florin & x0r bustin propz and shit... heh

the moonshadow outdoor was an amazing experience that i wish i could repeat [and hopefully will next yr!]. i think that coulda been the first night me & rashelle [op|a] ever went out and did anything... the space was so beautiful, the music so perfect, and it was the last good SOS set i ever expected to hear... the morning was so much fun, antics with the joggers, that insane bus ride to eglinton... oh wheee =) the entire environment was surreal. oh, how about the freight-train remix of 1998?

fresh off the boat. didnt pay attention to any set other than marty's [danced for that while i could - it was 10pm or so and i knew exactly how packed that place was going to get]. social party. fun. talked all night long, tried the entire sober partying thing. fun spent lots of time getting kicked out of the hallways and lookin for places to chill where it wasnt a sauna. because i used to go to destiny fridays a lot i knew the area pretty well and there were a couple of rooms i had access to to chill out with people. saw weazel for the first time in forever... some of the more amusing stuff came up when i went looking for my good friend jay who was up in the VIP loft thing.. chilled with them and had a beer & some pizza [the absolute perfect thing for a hungry sober person in the middle of the night!]. i remember some wacko taking one of the guide-rails from the front entrance and looping it into his pants like a wallet chain. wack i tell you. and to think that i was just walking by and had no intention of going to this party. i was at the front of the line just chillin and yakking with people and had a sudden urge to just check it out. they opened the doors, i made a split decision, and i was in. =)

phryl - live. adam beyer vs cari lekebusch. i went alone because i dont really have any technosnob friends in my area... it was an experience. ended up seeing lots of people i haven't seen in a while and the music was just KWA-LI-TEE all night long until misstress barbara came on... then it got too repetative and i started to crack. well, im glad to have caught the techno event of the millenium. [and i think you could safely call adam vs cari live just that...!!!] i met some awesome people and had a pretty good time at the opera house. saw lots of #rave people i used to know and chilled with some...

thrillz was a lot of fun. paladin vs dominik was great, and i saw lots of 519ers that i dont get to see so much [you guys kick ass!@# ].. had another mostly-chillin night there.. the bitch was waiting to get picked up in the morning. me and my best friend waited until 6pm!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH our ride came, didnt see us for some reason, and left for toronto. i remember ferdenands friend, the birthday boy, being so wacked he couldnt talk, walk, or do much of anything but wander around like a zombie. heh. happy birthday!

trancequake. my favorite party ever... has a little to do with me getting a chance to play, but a lot to do with the space, the incredible vibe, the people, and especially... trance all night long yeah! there is no "MOMENT" from this party unless moments have been redefined as lasting 12 hours.

wish i could think about specific moments but i think more in terms of a good party... like at wemf [which i did not like] there were a lot of interesting moments [many involving a couch] but i wouldn't really remark on them because the experience as a whole wasnt my thing.

peace =)

[This message has been edited by dieznyik (edited 11-25-1999).]
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