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Old June 25th, 1999, 04:27 PM   #2
Seal Bounce Champion! High Score:  
frolic, i hafta say this latest hullabaloo was one of my favourite parties in a long time.

the bingo hall has NEVER been used this well! the outdoor tents and huge chill out space were incredible! MAD MAD respect for proving once again that old venues can still be made fresh and new with a little bit of creative thinking.

mc storm was absolutely crazy! i've been waiting to see this guy for months. if anyone missed his performance, he's the guy that scratches with his vocal cords. it was awesome when he started "battling" brisk's scratching with his vocal scratching. i can't wait for the tape!

unfortunately i missed most of ruffneck's set cuz i was giving out free hullabaloo tapes with robin (frolic's gf) in the chill out area. (if anyone missed the tape giveaway games, picture hundreds of excitable partiers being given free mix tapes ... now THAT was fun.)

all the sets i saw in the main room were wicked. the only set i watched in the second room was subsonic chronic's hard trance set. pete was so hyped for his first hullabaloo performance and his enthusiasm was absolutely contagious. we were so proud of our boy pete!

frolic, i had a huge lump in my throat when you came out to shake hands and hug people during your last song. it's like everything that has been hullabaloo over the past 2 years - all the love, all the close friends and family, all the magic - culminated in that one beautiful moment. i know it sounds corny, but that's how i felt. (excuse me, i have something in my eye ...)

anyway, thanks again, frolic, for another night i'll never forget.

and of course, happy birthday hullabaloo ...

Klubmasta Will