The HullaBoard

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-   -   Regardless of what's happened, mad respect to anabolic frolic (

Subsonic Chronic April 13th, 2000 05:40 PM

I don't really know what's happened, or why.

But Chris has thrown 16 wonderful parties (including the Hulla tent at WEMF 98 & 99)

Chris has brought thousands of like-minded partiers together for almost three years and has introduced Toronto to some of the world's best dj's.

I have personally attended 10 of these events, and have spun at 5 of them. All have been fantastic experiences.

Regardless of what lies ahead for Hullabaloo!, what has already taken place has very much and very positively affected my life.

Thank you chris and all the Hullabaloo massive.


Santa-Mike April 13th, 2000 05:43 PM


mad props Chris...

*waits patiently for answers*

~ mike ~

Klubmasta Will April 13th, 2000 05:44 PM

chris, i owe you more than you could ever know. you've been such a positive influence on my life and i am truly honoured to be your friend.

we'll get through this.


stargurl April 13th, 2000 05:46 PM

i've been to.. eight hullas i believe.

sorry this happened =[

chris, will, robin, i love you guys

PaRtYKiD! April 13th, 2000 05:46 PM

Pete, you said it so well.

Whatever happens Chris.

Thank You.


Birdiq_E April 13th, 2000 05:46 PM

*nods* thanks frolic.



Syphon April 13th, 2000 05:50 PM

I've only ever been to the last Hulla, but it was a great time. I hope things work out for you guys in the future.


silver1 April 13th, 2000 05:50 PM

Will's words are mine as well. Nothing has influenced me more in the last two years than Hullabaloo. And Chris, You don't just throw Hullabaloo parties. You are Hullabaloo.

RaVeRGuY April 13th, 2000 05:52 PM

Well said. Thanx Frolic for the memorable parties and hopefully more to come. Let's just hope for the best...


RaaVeN April 13th, 2000 05:54 PM

mad respect to mr. frolic

i'm sure everything will be ok


[This message has been edited by RaaVeN (edited April 13, 2000).]

skyparty April 13th, 2000 05:55 PM

yep what they *points to others* said.

*GROUP HUG*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so glad i went to my first hulla, and that i was a part of it, too all the hulla virgins out there, I FEEL FOR YOU!!!!

Thanks CHRIS!


::*RaiN_bO BritEzZ*:: April 13th, 2000 05:58 PM

i just want to say that i know how much you guys went thorough to throw this party and i am sorry that it turned out this way.....rave was my life...i hope everyhitng works out for you guys and that everyhting is cleared up in the future


quebert April 13th, 2000 06:00 PM

yes hulla has alot of memories for me it was my first party and one i will remember for ever so many memories


thanks chris

[PRCÖ] April 13th, 2000 06:02 PM

I fell in love with Raving at Funtopia 2
and since then I was at 2 Hulla's and honestly I belive that my life changed for the better since I started Raving. I also belive I became a better man, thanks FROLIC.

Hopfuly this is just a minor settback and Hulla will be back in full force.

Lotsa respect for you Chris.


jellibeen April 13th, 2000 06:07 PM

Thank you Chris for everything, my life certainly has been different thanks to Hullabaloo. Everything will be fine.


Brokenbone April 13th, 2000 06:24 PM

I simply concur across the board.

I was just listening to H2BHC 4 today, thinking, man, Chris is the one who brought HHC to North America... I can't imagine yet what torpedoed the party, but hey, I've still got the music

strongbow April 13th, 2000 06:25 PM

Geez, I go to write an exam, and look what happens!

I've been to 10 or 11 Hullabaloo!s myself. I hope whatever's happened isn't as bad as people seem to think.

Whatever's happened, we'll support Hullabaloo!

keep the vibe alive

~*Candy*Smurf*~ April 13th, 2000 06:28 PM

Big up Chris..

dont worry we all understand! u done a great job, now and in the past.
You give lots of ppl great memories.

also respect to all the other ppl that help Chris out too.

-yeemi the kewlcat

Rainbow Bright April 13th, 2000 06:41 PM

I have been to several Hulla parties, the first one saved me, i was going through many bad moments and Hulla made me realize that life is worth living.

Chris you have brought so much happyness into so many peoples life, including mine, Thank-You. Chris, Will and Tommy you are great guys!!!!

Massive Hugz+Lotz of Luv

Wunderbrat April 13th, 2000 06:42 PM

I really hate being cheezy but I gotta admit that hulla has changed my life more than I could've ever thought possible.
So yeh, thanx to everyone responsible, hope there's more hulla's to come

Dweller April 13th, 2000 06:51 PM

Frolic, Will, and Silver. I have heard so much about your parites, and have always wanted to go to one. Saturday was going to be my third party, and my first Hulla. I really hope this is nothing serious, because I would really like to go to a Hulla party eventually. I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say, we are really sorry, and if there is anything we can do to help out, you just ask, and we will.

Dweller of the Crags

^T^ April 13th, 2000 06:59 PM

Anabolic is the man....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your wicked

Luv Tan

*Leblank* April 13th, 2000 07:22 PM

Well I've only been a on the Hullaboard for a short while and am planning to go to my first Hulla soon. To see the amount of people you have brought together and the happiness you have brought to so many people is almost unbeleivable!!!!

MAD RESPECT TO YOU FROLIC and WILL and all who have taken part!

Hope it all works out!

ProdigyBoy April 13th, 2000 08:13 PM

When i think about times where i couldnt have felt any better and was purly happy every hulla has a spot that comes to my mind from the ones i atteneded.

this board itself has been great to me.

i got goose bumbs reading the "paty cancelled thread" and this one was just over the top. All the ppl giving hulla there trye respect for some of the good times its given them. i have done my complaining and bitch about some parties, and posts but Hullabaloo and all who make it....THANK YOU....

hope u can have a happy return. think u will come back stronger then ever. if this party cant be reschedualed i wanna see Funtopia 3 in june.

best of luck in your situation.
lots of support,

Cameron Bay.

novice April 13th, 2000 08:47 PM

this build up of curiosity feels pretty bad. i can't begin to imagine what has happened.....

but chris... robin and your crew, you've brought so many of us into this scene with your parties...... your traditions....
there's so much support behind that
thank you & good luck.

erin xoxo

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