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Klubmasta Will December 6th, 1999 12:27 PM

we took about 600 polaroids throughout the nite. i had an absolute BLAST taking everyone's pictures ... what a wikked time!

a BIG thank you to tommy (silver one) and sandy (jellibean) for helping out with the pictures. you guys are amazing!

i hope everyone enjoyed their pics as much as we enjoyed taking them! if you have access to a scanner, scan them in and add them to this thread!

Klubmasta Will

elixir December 6th, 1999 12:33 PM

Thanks Will for taken Brenda's and My picture.. some crazy pics which I will scan and e-mail or post on the web.

Thanks again. I hope to see the pics everyone else has.. SCAN THEM IN and post them somewhere!

e-read you all later.

stargurl December 6th, 1999 01:06 PM

i *loved* the idea!
thanks so much guys for the pics :]

CO2 December 6th, 1999 01:26 PM

I had at least 2 taken...but i dont have even ONE in my possession!!

Ohh was a wikked idea, this should be done at every hulla...if it is finacially viable to do so of course...



silver1 December 6th, 1999 01:36 PM

I thought it was a great idea. Sandy and I had a blast helping you Will. We met so many people and seeing the happy looks on their faces is what made my night so wikkid. Aimee, I'm so glad to see you back at a hullabaloo. I hope you had a good time. Cheers to Chris for a great idea that made a lot of people extra happy

Blink December 6th, 1999 01:39 PM

the poloroids were a great idea. I got two taken!!! it was great that if two people were in the picture than u took two pictures. NOw i have something to remeber Hulla forever!!! way to go!!
hugz and stuff

The unrestrained retard December 6th, 1999 01:42 PM

I thought it was a great idea. I was with two of my friends who were going to their first rave, and so it will make an amazing souvenier. It was also cool meeting Will and Silver1, since i missed the net meet (again!) and so didn't meet many people from the board. But wicked idea, i'd love to see it again...

dieznyik December 6th, 1999 02:55 PM

great idea, & thanx for the pic

CWaNg December 6th, 1999 03:49 PM

Thanks for the Polaroids!!

An added bonus to an already amazing party!!! My best party of the year...THANKS AGAIN!!

Peace Out...

*MoonDancer* December 6th, 1999 04:47 PM


I loved the picture sooo much heheh
Stay sweet

December 6th, 1999 05:02 PM

i don't think it was any of you guys that took my picture, but someone had this long blue camera that tool little minin-polaroid style pictures, they had trippy little flaps on them...someone told me they were bracelets!
but thank you to whomever took the pictures in the trance room, it was great!! and where did you get the camera??

Ðè§tÏÑÿ December 6th, 1999 06:22 PM

I luved it!!! I thought it was such a wikked idea. I got one of me and Lisa (Kid Thunder) She had on her "Getto Bear" hat...hehe it's sooooo cute
Dont worry I'll post it once i get it scanned...haha dont get mad at me Lisa *hides*
Luv, Andrea

Sketch Pad JohnE December 6th, 1999 06:30 PM

yeah will! Thanks for taking all the pics (for each of us))!!!
I will post mine.

*~*~*ChEEr BeAR!*~*~* December 6th, 1999 06:56 PM

Beginning of Party: After the party:

Tired much?

mumf December 6th, 1999 07:02 PM

Thanx Will!
It was such a good idea. Especilly because it was free. I was a bit scepticle when I went to get it framed. I thought they would aske for $. But they didn't! It was so good.

The party was so full of the people and the promoter doing more than I expected (taking pictures, buying water rights (thanx Chris,) donating money to TRIP, giving away free tapes (thanx purple teletuby,) etc...) It was defenitly one of the safest parties I've ever been to.


December 6th, 1999 07:21 PM

I'm still speechless!! That was a really cool idea! You have MAD skill in photography!! I must of said thank you to you like 20 times! Thanks everyone, for one of the most AMAZING nights I've had!! I'd post my pic but I don't know how. Bummer.
See ya'll at the next one!


[Note: This message has been edited by Klubmasta Will]

Johnny Funk December 6th, 1999 10:24 PM

It was a fantastic idea! Thanks very much!

wEEds December 7th, 1999 12:08 AM

yes the souvineer pics were awesome. thanks u guys!!!

Ms. Fit December 7th, 1999 12:25 AM

omg! thanx so much! it's fun to have that picture, i'm gonna look back on it when i'm 40 and think of these crazy times

thank you so much!


jellibeen December 7th, 1999 01:28 AM

Well, as Tommy mentioned, both of us had a lot of fun with the pictures, I won't forget the smiles and meeting all sorts of people. Everyone was so wonderful,I can't consider that to be work. Hopefully ours will be scanned soon.


Entranced December 7th, 1999 02:05 AM

Hey Silver1!! you glued my polaroid on the wrong side ehehehe!!

I was standing there waiting for it to develop and nnothing happened for like 5min!! Then I turn it over and there's my mug!! All gooey wif glue!

I'll scan my polaroid ASAP! And I'll scan that pic I got of Will busting the camera!

Thanx for the memoriabilia guyz!!


sgtchuckles December 7th, 1999 03:02 AM

will...i forget if you said it was your idea or somebody else's but it was such a good one. me and carmeee have something to remember playing "hug my loser friend game".
it was such a fun nite! except for "lake hullabaloo". everything else was perfect. i haven't had sooo much fun in a long time. golden griddle was wicked too!

silver1 December 7th, 1999 10:18 AM

I'm SOOOOOOO SORRY Sherm. It got a little hectic for a while with dozens of people bringing us pics. I hope you were able to salvage it. If not, the next time you see me you can kick me in the butt

ravvah cutie December 7th, 1999 12:12 PM

yeah i like that pic of me and my friend !!! thank you ! wikkid idea !!!

~*~RavvaH Cutie~*~

Rayne December 7th, 1999 01:26 PM

Well, I'm sad that I didn't get a polaroid, but no matter, I had my own camera--I only got a few pics b/c I forgot film. Oh well

Anyhoo, I must say that was one of the most amazing nights, ever. Much luv and respect to everyone who put it on-Frolic, Will and crew, and to those who showed up and kept the vibe true.

PLUR to you all

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