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Grrl2004 August 27th, 2001 07:26 PM

Old Skool Net Meet
As has become the Hullabaloo! custom I propose a 9pm Net-meet at of course.. McDonalds in the Eaton Centre..

They've always been successful in the past, and it's nice to get to know the face behind the screen name..

Lots of people are already on board.. so just reply here.. and meet there.. ;)

sparke August 27th, 2001 08:11 PM

hey......ill be there......mickiedees..........9pm

bowzer August 27th, 2001 08:55 PM

im gonna be comming down from ottawa, and staying at the quality inn on 111 lombard. how far away is that from the meet up point?

Little Turbo August 27th, 2001 09:23 PM

hehehehe we can have the manager try and kick us out let he tried many times b4


oOOoOOo and fun piktures from above

Grrl2004 August 27th, 2001 09:48 PM

I'm not really sure bowzer.. I'm not from T-dot either..

But, what I do know.. is that Eaton Centre, is pretty close to the Opera House, and right downtownish I think.. so you'll need to go near there to get to the Opera House anyway...

sparke August 27th, 2001 10:35 PM


face2face August 27th, 2001 10:46 PM

i think i'll be there. oi!! i dont even know which of my friends are going anymore. everything always falls apart at the last minute. all i know is one of my junglist friends who has never been to a party with happy hardcore is going for sure. hehe this should be interesting....i think im going to buy her a whistle :)


ghettothug August 27th, 2001 11:28 PM

hmm last time I was at the Opera House

my friends and I decided to walk from Union....and it took us about an hour to walk at a fast pace.

sparke August 27th, 2001 11:38 PM

the reason that it took u so because queen street is pretty far away from union........................and if your at the eaton center that is a lot lot lot closer :rolleyes:

bowzer August 27th, 2001 11:39 PM

Hmm... well my hotel is like right between nathan philips and the opera house... so I'll be there ;]

Grrl2004 August 27th, 2001 11:44 PM

Ehehe.. They'll probably be giving whistles away at the door.. as is Hulla tradition..

sparke August 27th, 2001 11:47 PM

really.......thats coo..........does anyone know how much the water is?????????.........hope it isnt to expensive :p

bowzer August 27th, 2001 11:57 PM

water at a rave, expensive? pfft... never!

sparke August 28th, 2001 12:00 AM

will they let u bring a water bottle.........with no water in it......then i could filler up at the washrooms

bowzer August 28th, 2001 12:07 AM

No, they usually take away opened bottles... even if they are empty. I dunno if your aloud to bring unopened bottles, but i assume thats also a no no.

Grrl2004 August 28th, 2001 12:08 AM

Probably not.

But water won't/shouldn't be more than $3-$4 bucks.. Chris is usually pretty good about it.

There will be taps downstairs to refill too.

sparke August 28th, 2001 12:21 AM

k thats coo.............:rolleyes: im so f-ing ecxited, i cant wait

Grrl2004 August 28th, 2001 12:33 AM

Try being to most every (cept for 2) hulla since #3.. that's excited $$

sparke August 28th, 2001 12:41 AM

thats awsome old r u by the way ?????

SpArkLz August 28th, 2001 12:17 PM

I'm definatly down for a net meet. hehe, since I haven't been to one b4. but I've heard from my frineds they were always funfunfun. how far a walk is the Opera House would anyone say?.... we could all make it a group walk down there or something super funtasticly gay like that!! yihyih.:crazyeye:

anywho. I shall see if I can be there. convince everyone else too. later all.


kayla-cricket August 29th, 2001 01:14 AM

poor lil kayla has to walk from the eatons center to the opera house.

she did that for group hug and really doesn't wanna... thats like 30-45 mins!

n e who, who ever is walkin, can i be a lil tagalong? :)


icq 122185865

SpArkLz August 29th, 2001 02:54 AM

ouch...thats a hike. oh well.
I'll proll'y walk.... why not? i mean who doesn't need the nice smoggy air before we enter a room full of second hand smoke..
yummmmmmmm. harhar.

:crazyeye: <---- hehe i love this guy.

:aaargh: <-- he's kinda funny too.


GILLYBEAR:) August 29th, 2001 05:47 PM

ICQ 39893186:D

bowzer August 29th, 2001 08:37 PM

Yea, I cant wait to meet everyone! ^_^

face2face August 29th, 2001 10:33 PM

im probably not going to be smoking sat night, but i thought i heard somewhere that the opera house is non smoking now. doesnt anyone know if that is true?


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