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hyppy2 June 20th, 2007 10:07 PM

The spirit of giving
If there's one thing I've taken away from Hullabaloo raving it's the spirit of giving. Share and share alike. The more you give the more you get.

What cool goodies will you be bringing along to share with your fellow Hullabaloonies? Stickers? Beaded jewellery? Poetry? Songs? Your own DJ mixes?

I've got a doozy :D

In a week or two I'll share with you all a very significant and rare piece of Hulla history. I'll bet even Frolic doesn't have this bit of nostalgia "on record". I'll bring copies to OMGH but I'll be sure to share it on the web well in advance as well.

Here's a little teaser to whet your appetites. Anyone recognise the logo?

Stay tuned to this thread for an awesome freebie!

No Typical Raver June 20th, 2007 10:08 PM

i'm gonna be there. that's good enough. they get the joy of being in my presence and finally expressing their hatred in person

Mr Skittles June 20th, 2007 10:37 PM

e true hollywood stories! Damn, I'm good at this game

basic June 21st, 2007 09:25 AM

He's giving away drugs!

hyppy2 June 21st, 2007 10:47 AM

It's a lot better than drugs and Hollywood gossip! Combined, even!

I'll try to work on this tonight!

No Typical Raver June 21st, 2007 11:32 AM

already i applaud this venture for not giving incriminating file names ;)

basic June 21st, 2007 11:35 AM

Its something to do with E! Space

I doubt there are many people around these parts who've been around long enough to recognize it

kylefabulous June 21st, 2007 11:54 AM

The first Hullabaloo party was "Something Good", held on June 21, 1997. The rave was hosted at The SpacE! (aka "The E! Space") at 28 Gunns Rd., Toronto. Party headliner, DJ Hixxy from England, was held up by customs at Pearson International Airport and was unable to perform.

No Typical Raver June 21st, 2007 12:01 PM

Omg Hyppy2 Paid For Hixxy To Fly Over To Make Up For It!

Minkis June 21st, 2007 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by No Typical Raver
Omg Hyppy2 Paid For Hixxy To Fly Over To Make Up For It!
dammit, dont say that

...someone will believe you

unless... it gets circulated, and Hixxy hears about it, and hes like "o shit, im supposed to be at hulla?!" and comes

hyppy2 June 21st, 2007 08:06 PM

Since today is the very day of the Hullabaloo 10-year anniversary I'm doing my darndest to have this little surprise ready tonight!!

What could it be? Someone vs. someone else?? On a mixtape? From the E! Space???

It kinda looks like the names of 2 DJs that played at Hullabaloo 1.... and the E! Space at 28 Gunns Rd. was the venue... but those DJs didn't play head to head at the event... could this be a recording of a significant set BEFORE Hulla 1?

But if this set was recorded before the first Hulla how can it be significant to the 10-year candy-versary?


Check back later tonight to find out!

hyppy2 June 22nd, 2007 01:11 AM

A very happy Hullaversary to everyone!

Without further Apu, I proudly present...

from the Hullabaloo 1 preparty...
SOS vs. Grimace
recoded live at The spacE!
some time in 1997

MP3 encoded at 256kbps 44.1KHz 16-bit stereo

Proudly hosted FOREVER, FOR FREE, FOR YOU, by hyppy2

Side A - 48:27, 90.8MB

Side B - 47:47, 89.6 MB

Please enjoy and share with your friends. If there are no objections from SOS and Grimace I will gladly host these files indefinitely. Frolic, assuming all is cool with the original DJs, you are welcome to add this to your Hulla Recordings page.

This is my gift to all the Hulla ravers out there. PLUR in all that you do. Be yourselves and lead by example. Give and share and lend a hand. Be positive and encourage others to do good. Shine on.

kylefabulous June 22nd, 2007 02:55 AM

i must admit.. this is pretty cool!

weava June 22nd, 2007 03:27 AM

yea that is pretty sweet


dianejapa June 23rd, 2007 02:10 PM

i'm bringing presents. if i can still afford them.

anabolic frolic July 4th, 2007 11:33 AM

It's scary how fast 10 years can pass by.

I have to point something out about this set;

It took place about a month before Hulla, and it was at the same venue as Hulla 1. To see SOS and Grimace rocking the E! Space got me very excited about the potential of Hulla there. At that time everyone (promoters) were really down on hardcore and no one thought a hardcore party would work.

No Typical Raver July 4th, 2007 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by anabolic frolic
no one thought a hardcore party would work.

its funny, they still think that way here in Cleveland

hyppy2 July 4th, 2007 01:49 PM

I loved the main room of the E! Space because the DJ was on a barely raised platform, face to face with all the dancers. There were psychedelic-painted hallways, a chillout room with couches, a little store where you could buy snacks and tapes like this one... I think it was my favourite venue ever, but it succeeded better as a weekly venue than it did for special events.

"Louder isn't better, better is better"

I should see if I can find any old photos of the place!

I also remember the first time I met you, Frolic. You were sitting at the ticket window at the bottom of the front entrance stairs, and I passed on a hello from...... some happycore DJ from Arizona.

hyppy2 August 3rd, 2007 02:38 PM

I don't suppose anyone can ID the second last track on Side B of this mixtape, can ya? It's the prettiest version of Hold Me Now and I've never heard it anywhere but on this tape. It's so minimal and the echo on the piano is really striking.

DJ Tranzit August 3rd, 2007 09:41 PM

there's a whole facebook group about the The spacE!
its got a shitload of pics, vids, and some other stuff.

hyppy2 August 4th, 2007 03:37 PM

Holy crap! Maybe I need to join that crappy web site after all! Thanks for the heads up!

hyppy2 August 4th, 2007 10:56 PM

For any interested, I just found this absolutely fantastic video (with awful sound) of the venue, shot by Marty McFly. Just seeing that blacklight hallway again made me want to jump out of my chair and start tapdancing.

I used to go to The SpacE! with my buddy Joel (who started in our early days of raving in 1996. Our moms used to pack us sandwiches to eat. :) As much as I absolutely adored the place and as great a time as I had each week, my favourite part was always the drive home Saturday morning at 5:00am when no one else was awake yet. The contrast of the dark, booming club and the stillness of sunrise was almost religious for me.

anabolic frolic August 4th, 2007 11:09 PM

oh, nostalgia. I spent many nights at the space as well. those videos remind me about what a wild west the toronto scene was back then. It's hard to imagine that I observed cops doing a walk-thru in there, but nothing came of it.

It also reminded me that a lot of Hullas early talent came from the E network. Marty, SOS, Brano, THC, and others. I DJ'd there only once (besides Hulla) before it closed just before the end of 97.

kylefabulous August 5th, 2007 02:33 AM

wow.. i'd really liked to have checked that out in person... looks fun

i wish i could find footage of some of the old warehouse venues in detroit

frolic... you played at one of the most famous... i'm not sure how much you remember...

that place was fucking enormous...

and actually while i was writing this thread...

i found an old link on google to an entry on the hullaboard...

the party i'm referring to was called We Are Still Twisted in 2000

it was a biokidd event that frolic headlined, at a famous rave warehouse venue Mound n Outer

those parties were epic... frolic rocked the place so hard that night that the warehouse literally started its own rain cloud... so many people being so hot... making so much steamy ravie goodness that it was condensating on the cold steel rafters in the high ceilings above and coming down as raver rain!

i'll never forget hearing chris spin that night... i dare say it was my #1 rave moment ever... definitely in my top 3 though! i am sitting here with goosebumps ALL over my body! thats when detroit was good!

Link To Thread

you can see that Jen (pointysticks) refers to bringing frolic out with biokidd in 2000, she is referring to the party i'm talking about... We Are Still Twisted

that party is still talked about in detroit....

Robin Frolic August 5th, 2007 12:56 PM

Hm, I can't remember whether I was there or not. We used to go to so many gigs in those days, it all kind of flows together.

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