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I may be wrong, but I don't think AGT sold out for a few weeks. This is insane! |
ahhhhH! are they gone again?!? I swear i have the worst timing!
they sold the tixx for AGT in 8 days |
You can still buy the Weekend packages which include a ticket.
http://www.hulla.info/store/view_pr...product=HTK041C |
There's a bug in the store, but I'll keep correcting it. Try again. I'll make an official announcement if the stock runs dry.
The party-only tickets are sold out, or at least for a couple of weeks till me make sure everyone who was supposed to buy them takes them. the other packages still have some availability. basic, AGT took 8 days to sell out, which was incredible then. even with the problems we've had today slowing things down, this will be sold out in short order. |
people might have to start digging deep
i finally got 'em! yay!
Did you get one yet snugs? I will buy you yours if you are still having trouble. Let me know ASAP. |
She got one! I had an extra I was gunna give her but she got it to work out!
my friend and i got'em and the payment went through so yey! i'm happy a relieved now ^___^ :D
i'm definitely happy...
seems like a lot of the forum regulars got tickets then (gaging by the posts here and at TR)... |
i forgot amidst all the other things going on in life right now. I guess I won't be there afterall. :/
I was able to try ordering again, and this time the money has cleared from my credit card! Yay!
I live on a budget, and only wanted tickets to the actual event and those are still listed as sold out. however, it was sorted so I'm going :)
reunion packages are still in stock it seems (includes a ticket to One more group hug, only $49)
http://www.hulla.info/store/view_pr...product=HTK041C |
*tap tap tap*
This thing still work? *scrapes the rust off the account* Wow... it's a miracle! |
get em while their hot!
ok guys im stupid
i'm panicing and haven't sleeped in 3 days plz help me i at first say that the tickets were sold out "cry cry" then i saw i could get a packedge so i got my grandme'c credit card (with her ok) and wen't to buy one it. wen i went to buy one it was going to let me buy a ticket so i clicked and then it sayed "sold out" so i was going to get a packedge and it told me to e-mail frolic to order. i did but my comp. kept shuting down win i clicked "send".i wen't to a friends comp and e-mailed frolic to get my name on the list. plus i wanted 1 to 2 of the 99$ packedges ????????????????????since i sent the e-mail and it sayed there were some left what do ijust want to go i don't care how much it takes. we drove last year 25 hours from texas and i will walk this year and i'm not kidding i'm tired and need help plz help a new kandi kid |
your going to be put on the waiting list with others for those who WANT tickets. but as of now, it is SOLD OUT |
ok i know i'll be on the list but is thre any more packages becaus i want one and frolic says there are some. im sry guys im gust confused. i'v never bought anything on line b-4 and im scared that i'll mess it up
I'd pretty much pay anything for one too, but you just have to be patient.
Anything you say......
I've got an extra ticket if someone wants it
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