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CareSieB December 9th, 2003 05:17 AM

anyone get the hullabaflu???
I am miserable. Today on the plane home I got SUPER sick, so not fun, I think an airplane is the worst place on earth to be sick....
Now I have a really bad sore throat!
Anyone else get the evil flu this time, grrrrrrrrrrrrr

TrYpPy December 9th, 2003 05:50 AM

I seem to always miss this Hullabaflu you speak of.. I wonder if this has anything to do with me always missing Pokaroo :( *sniff* I think everyone lies to me when they say I just missed him.

itsgigglegirl December 9th, 2003 12:15 PM

^^^awwww the sadness

I seem to have escaped the hullabaflu this time around *knocks on wood*...I was really careful about who i shared water with this time, though, and made sure if i did share it that they didn't put their mouths all over it...woo smart water sharing tactics!

feel better carrie and all others who are down with the hullabaflu :)

Keron_DaFunky1 December 9th, 2003 12:39 PM



you took a PLANE for hulla?


CareSieB December 9th, 2003 01:48 PM

^^^ i have taken a plane to the last 4 hullas now :)
I just got back from the doctor, I have strep throat and some wierd rash on my arm...sooo whoever gave me strep is goin down because I am supposed to go to london tomarrow, no not london ONTARIO, london ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am on some meds so hopefully i will feel well enough to still go :(

Seizure December 9th, 2003 04:27 PM

No... but I had the flu from Wednesday afternoon and mostly up until Friday-Saturday night... was feeling slightly better come Saturday morning.... but still a little weary Saturday afternoon at work.... by the time it was time to go to Hulla.. I was feeling a lot better... and I wasn't really up to cancelling my trip to hulla :D

jebby182 December 9th, 2003 05:25 PM

i totally got sick after hulla.

but my fault i guess..
it was comming before..
but this just made it worse.
oh well.. a small price to pay to have a whicked night!

all for the love of the game!

but really.. i wish i could breath outta my nose.

itsgigglegirl December 9th, 2003 05:27 PM

carrie! you prolly caught it making out with that hullabanewb!!! that'll teach you to keep your tongue in your own mouth ;)

Seizure December 9th, 2003 05:29 PM

haha making out at a hulla is uber l33t! pfffft... i wouldn't waste 30 bux to go to a hulla party and suck face with some girl... when i can do that at home for free... only sucked one face at a hulla and it was my ex...

pointy_sticks December 9th, 2003 06:53 PM

I got the Hullabaflu, but not nearly as bad as usual (yet). Just some post-rave sniffles and sore throat, could've just been from the smoke. Is it just me or was the air a lot dirtier than usual this time?

Seizure December 9th, 2003 07:00 PM

Having a cup of hot chocolate following Hulla at that corner store 7-11-type of thingy... helps a sore throat following the party...

chEArbEAr December 9th, 2003 07:13 PM

well at first i thought i escaped the hullabaflu until i woke up this mronign with the sorest throat of all time..i cant even swallow..but at least i can breath outta my friend has a throat virus and is on antibiotics now..i hope i didnt catch it from her!

o well such a good nice it was worth it :D

chEArbEAr December 9th, 2003 07:15 PM

i mean such a good night *** ^^

Seizure December 9th, 2003 07:47 PM

hey chearbear... your sister, wish bear, wants to make out with you and give you a hullabaflu.. she's under my bed! :lol:

CareSieB December 9th, 2003 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Seizure
haha making out at a hulla is uber l33t! pfffft... i wouldn't waste 30 bux to go to a hulla party and suck face with some girl... when i can do that at home for free... only sucked one face at a hulla and it was my ex...

haha it wasnt like that at all.....well kinda haha

objectiview711 December 9th, 2003 08:39 PM

I got no hullabaflu.
The people who live further from toronto are probably more prone to getting it, as they dont have the natural antibodies for the strains of common cold that dominate the area.
There seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence defeating this though.

peaceloveunity December 9th, 2003 09:16 PM

So sick!
I have been so sick, high fever, super big headache, body pains sore throat. It's not fun I spent my birthday in bed. I have pictures to post and I have lots of emails to write too people I met but I have been too sick to get around to it.

I feel like shit. This was my first hullabaloo, and I had an awesome time, but I feel like crap now.
and I wanted to know if anyone knew how I could get feeling better.

CareSieB December 9th, 2003 09:31 PM

^^^^^^^^i got medicine and went to the doctor (not in that order) and i am already a tad better...

Seizure December 9th, 2003 10:58 PM

i went to the doctor's and he told me i was pregnant... and then i woke up to realize i was a guy! :D

Kandy_Kid_Muah December 9th, 2003 10:59 PM

O man, I thought it was just co-insidence that i come back from a party sick... to find out others have come down with strep throat and the like is pretty comforting. [not in a good sense..but y'kno] to all those who got sick, and are on anti biotics like me, and cant talk, and are going crazy cuz i cant smoke..just think, you got sick at something worth

chEArbEAr December 9th, 2003 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Seizure
hey chearbear... your sister, wish bear, wants to make out with you and give you a hullabaflu.. she's under my bed! :lol:

bring it on :P lol

dianejapa December 10th, 2003 10:42 AM

i think i have what everyone else has from the sound of it. my throat has gotten progressively worse and worse since the weekend. it feels like its on fire...

chEArbEAr December 10th, 2003 10:47 AM

^^get better :)

Sim December 10th, 2003 01:15 PM

Ya I think Ive got the hullabaflu. Soar throat, itchy eyes, stuffed up.

The thing that bugs me most is this stupid cough! My cough would not let me sleep in on Monday. Every 15 seconds for like an hour I was coughing. I'm like screw this and got up. I drank a bag of milk and that seemed to fix it.

ughghghghg my body hates me.

kandijunglegrrl December 10th, 2003 02:34 PM

of course. i'm sick. i don't think it's restricted to only hulla though. i get sick EVERY monday. haha (that's sad, i know)

chris: i'm sad i missed you! i was looking forward to seeing you and crystal. i finally made it to hulla. see you in february?

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