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djmidnite April 25th, 2003 08:09 PM

So what if my girl didnt like the bat boy. people come to a party from all over to see the dj's and mc's for their talent and creativity. not for some guy who drops a pill and tries to act important. My girls has just as much right to hate on him as he had the right to get on stage. for you to try to silence her opinion is just as bad as what you claim she did. ive been mixing drum n bass jungle in this scene for 8 years and all i ever hear is hypocracy amongst everyone. just understand we come to see the djs if we want a fashion show that looks bad there's another venue for it somewhere else.
and if you call my girl an asshole again just by reading one thread then you must have your boyfriend on youre mind.

Race 2 Da Beat April 26th, 2003 07:53 PM

*mrmagoo typing*

HAHA good ol' Jesse, he causes fights where ever he goes!

CareSieB April 26th, 2003 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Race 2 Da Beat
*mrmagoo typing*

HAHA good ol' Jesse, he causes fights where ever he goes!

hah if you only knew, he got in a fight the night before the party on college street because some guys thought he was gay, we had to call the cops and everything...that was a fun night hah

neverlandgurl April 26th, 2003 10:10 PM

can't we all just bottle up our hate inside and let it loose on the washing machine?

kraver1981 April 27th, 2003 12:23 AM

^<3 your sig...:)

DJ Tranzit April 27th, 2003 06:31 PM

Re: whatever!
Originally posted by djmidnite
ive been mixing drum n bass jungle in this scene for 8 years
does this mean that your opinion is more valid?

Q-Pid April 27th, 2003 07:12 PM

I'm the bat guy. I havn't read your girlfriend's post yet, but I intend to. I'm interested to see how I offended her and yourself. If you have a problem, you know where to find me. I eat drum n' base djs for breakfast.

kraver1981 April 27th, 2003 07:28 PM

Where in bumblefuck is West Babylon, NY?

Q-Pid April 27th, 2003 07:31 PM

Heh heh, I just read your girlfriend's thread. I especially like the part where she came off lookin like a bloody tool.
To the bitter chick: I'm surprised that you've only taken offence to my drunken on-stage capering so late in the Hulla tradition. Me and a group of like-minded inebriated party kids have been consistently frequenting the Hulla stage for well over a year now. If you're new to the Hulla scene, it's best that you should learn now that WE AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE, whether a confused self-loather such as yourself likes it or not.
If you came to watch the DJs, watch the DJs. I'm unclear as to how the presence of a single person on stage can detract from your enjoyment of the music you've come to the party to listen to.

Are you feelin bad cuz they kicked you off the stage buttercup? Aaaw, well next time you just let me know and I'll see to it that the mean old security guard lets you strut your stuff up there for your legions of fans.
And just so you know, the bracelet that Robin gives you (as I'm sure you saw me sporting in opposition to your anti-stage-dancer values) when you come to the party as a guest entitles you to privelages such as room to dance on the stage, and until someone with some authority asks me kindly to vacate the area, I'm not about to adhere to the half-formed rants of some delusioned imbecile. PLUR!

djmidnite April 27th, 2003 08:23 PM

well dj transit ive heard much about you internet wannabe dj's and if you question the validity of my opinion ill battle your newbie ass. have some respect for the real dj's. as for bat boy im sure you eat drum n bass djs for breakfast; cause your gay. its ok you can come out of the closet. in this open minded world you wont be bashed as much as in the south. im just tired of all you kids acting like you know whats up. its funny to me. so batboy. do your thing if you wanna prance around on a stage or in a crowd, just stay out of my way. thats it.
p.s. my girl need not get on stage....she has nothing to prove, and is not DYING for attention as YOU clearly are....she just came for the music, not to look like a dumbass. She'll leave that to you since you do a superb job at it! now go take another drink and flutter far far away!!

Q-Pid April 27th, 2003 08:49 PM

If, as you claim, your girlfriend came for the music, then it should detract very little from her musical experience if there is an individual whose apearance she regards as offensive on the stage. I would think she could listen very well in spit of what she might be seeing, and I'm quite sure that my presence wasn't interfering with the sound in any significant way.
Your alluding to your years of dedication in the scene do nothing in the way of validating your opinion. I believe a crucial point in your argument was based on the presumption that you'd be able to out-dj Tranzit. How exactly is this favourably relevant to your claim that your opinion regarding on-stage antics is a valid one?
Oh, and the homo accusation...pretty weak man. What was it you said again? "You eat drum n' base djs for breakfast cuz yer gay, heh." Hmmm...I didn't know being gay was necessary, sufficient, or relevant to one's being capable of consuming djs. Try again my lad.
Word of advice: Keep on spinnin' and hopin' and cryin' in your basement, and stay out of any social situation that might demand that you make intelligent comments, as such a tasks are cleary beyond your abilities.

kraver1981 April 27th, 2003 09:10 PM

Hmm...I've only been to two Hullas[Digital Outlaws and Get Hype] and I've seen Q-pid on stage both times...never had a problem with it myself, I just figured that it was a Hulla fixture... Plus it's not like I go to Hullas to trainspot and just stand around staring at the DJs or MCs....I go to dance my ass off and half the time I'm too busy walking around, dancing, or making new friends that I don't spend much time looking at the DJs...I just focus on the music. Plus it's not like most DJs[except for NAHA[Seattle], Colette, Rap, Miss Lisa[LA], DJ Mea[LA]] are anything to look if he was blocking your view or whatever, that's a shame. So it seems to me that your girlfriend has something of a little obsession with Q-pid. :p Well, enough of one at least to stare for a hell of a long time...enough that it stuck out in her mind...enough to make a stupid thread about it.

BTW...I've never heard DJ Tranzit spin but at least he seems like a nice guy. "DJ Midnight" I've never heard of you or the bumblefuck town you come from. Been playing for 8 years, eh? Where? Never seen/heard of your DJ name before here in NYC or otherwise. And I have lots of friends who live up in 'Cuse and Albany areas who are junglists who have never heard of you. So please, post some links to flyers you've been on. Also, could you throw a demo my way please? :D :D


neverlandgurl April 27th, 2003 10:49 PM

things i think are funny:
1) calling tranzit a newbie
2) how come we're not bitching at everyone else who dances on the should hate everyone equally :) (p.s. i love my friendship crew up there)
3) the long island attitude (babylon is on the island kraver)
4) kraver's comment to my sig...ok so i don't think it's funny but thanks for the compliment :D
i'm all for free speech but good lord it gets old!

Race 2 Da Beat April 27th, 2003 10:50 PM

5) People who still say PLUR


neverlandgurl April 27th, 2003 10:51 PM

hahaha thanks kelly!

shuko_x April 27th, 2003 11:39 PM

Well for as much as im not big on regular dancers on the stage let Q-Pid up there regardless. I call him "Raveman" (mainly cuz at Digital Outlaws he had a big R on his shirt) either way so fuck it. Ive got more bigger beef with the fact that theres too much "overfluffed" trancy hardcore being played from only like 6 labels. When none of the fan labels get played out as much (im referrring to the Get Hype Party). Keep in mind i was only there from 12-4:30 so a missed a couple of sets...but i what i heard i wasn't too impressed with.. THere was no tracks from :

Raw Elements
Phase 4
Pitched Up
Thin & Crispy
Nu Energy Collective

I mean common i know everyone loves their singy anthems and what not...but it gets tiring after a while... I want a ruff style track that breaks all the rules....

Thats why i am soo hoping for Goodfellaz this June.... One werd

LUNA -C.....nuff said

shuko_x April 27th, 2003 11:43 PM

and dont' give me the same story with ....

waaaa waaa ....get your own tables.... waaa waaaaa

because i am...and mark my word D-tRiK and I are gonna rock the shit like no other...cuz if anyone's herd our stuff

Hittin Switches, Blastphemy and my own Sonic Fury winner 911-Chilli knows what im talking bout.....

give us one year...mofo's and ull see some hard proper cheesy slammin shit comin your way

-DJ 10_fLd

Race 2 Da Beat April 27th, 2003 11:59 PM

Dude, Jesse has been on stage at every hulla I can remember. If he wasnt it just wouldnt be the same party!!! He is a tradition at hullas dude so lay off!!!

As long as he stays away from the mic (ala Good fellaz) everything will be alright ;)

Q-Pid April 28th, 2003 01:10 AM

Haha, I promise that I'll never get on the mic again, but I take no responsibility for my alter-ego, 'drunk-and-needing-to-scream-at-the-world-Jesse'.

CareSieB April 28th, 2003 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Q-Pid
Haha, I promise that I'll never get on the mic again, but I take no responsibility for my alter-ego, 'drunk-and-needing-to-scream-at-the-world-Jesse'.

is that the same jesse that goes in random peoples hotel rooms to use their washrooms at 2 am, because if it is, that is a FUN JESSE!

renegade_emcee April 28th, 2003 09:39 PM

or the jesse that drinks out of the piss troft at the zone lol

candypunk April 28th, 2003 10:12 PM

ya man, Q-pid youve been dancing on stage since `99 lol

objectiview711 April 28th, 2003 10:27 PM

dressing up like a bat /skeleton/ guy/ thing or a bunny /toaster/crackpipe thing and displaying yerself is kinda what hulla is about
and thre stage was about 100 ft wide ...i dont think qpid is 100 feet wide , i , might be wrong

Poemi April 29th, 2003 01:57 AM

Okay. I had no problem with seeing "batboy" on stage. I think he was fucking sexy. So, I am going to assume that he...

1. is sexy
2. was attractive to your girlfriend who then, in an effort to cover up her turnedonedness, said he pissed her off.

Not a damn thing I saw him do was annoying or offensive or anything at all. Seriously. If you dont want to see something, perhaps try NOT LOOKING AT IT.

Oh, and I must say I'm a bit offended by the "bumble fuck" and Long Island attitude comments. I lived much further out on long island for 15 years of my life (and I'm only 20).

I do not have a "attitude" and no one I associate with has one either.

But true yes, some people do, but not everyone. And unfortunately it's people like djmidnite that give us a bad name. So please try not to lump all us long islanders together.


neverlandgurl April 29th, 2003 02:10 AM

chill chill....i lived on long island for a year and i currently go to school with many long islanders...long island is my second home and i have many friends there, but i must say....some of the attitudes i have encountered down there and from some i know up here take the cake! my intention was not to group you all together, don't worry. i guess i should have put something more specific.....hmm....what to call those people......

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