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boobear3 April 10th, 2003 01:59 AM

Converting money
Just wondering do I have to convert my us dollars to canadian. Will it be much easier if I do convert the money? Will they convert my money at my hotel?

anabolic frolic April 10th, 2003 02:14 AM

Hotel's will do it, but their rates won't be as good as somewhere else, like a bank.

kraver1981 April 10th, 2003 03:06 AM

Hehe...or just buy something where they accept american dollars...

I remember last time I was up there me and 4 people I was with walked into a Burger King and it took the cashier like 5 minutes to get each person's change...she had to whip out the calculator and everything...

Aegnor April 10th, 2003 03:43 AM

what I normally do is just get money out of an ATM in Toronto. you get pretty good rates and don't haveto worry about changing cash.

You definately don't want to use US cash at the Opera house since they take it at face value (I believe)


DynamicHalfDuo April 10th, 2003 04:06 AM

They trade it at the exchange value (well, close) at the opera house. There are various exchange shops along Queen Street (that's what I used last Hulla) and even restaraunts will do it... I've done it at the Wayne Gretzky diner. :D

kraver1981 April 10th, 2003 04:18 AM

Hmm...when I was at Digital Outlaws they took my american dollars at face value[one american $ = one canadian peso]...Bastards!!

And where is the Wayne Gretsky Diner?!!?!? I wanna gooooo!!

P.S. - Sorry about the peso joke.

CareSieB April 10th, 2003 07:17 AM

You could just change your money at the border or at the airport, that is what I always do.


DJ Tranzit April 10th, 2003 09:41 AM

Originally posted by kraver1981
Sorry about the peso joke.
remember.. you'll be on our court soon punk! :D

kraver1981 April 10th, 2003 09:45 AM


integrrac April 10th, 2003 02:04 PM

def exchange your money at one of the duty free shops at the boarder if driving and at the airport if flying. the exchange rate it roughly 1 american dollar for every 1.50 candian. it just makes everything much easier and less worry of getting ripped off and shops accepting american currency. do your best not to pay for anythign in canada in american dollars.

DJ Tranzit April 10th, 2003 07:29 PM

and vice versa..
a lot of people won't give you a good exchange rate because they need to go convert the money once they get it, so it's really not worth it to them to take it from you.

even though it is a hellova lot better to have in your pocket :)

pointy_sticks April 10th, 2003 09:02 PM

If there's a casino near your border crossing, change your money there...they give the best rates, 'cause they want you to spend more money. ;)

boobear3 April 11th, 2003 03:37 AM

YEah i'll probably exchange at the border

DJ Tranzit April 11th, 2003 09:32 AM


kandeegirl2 April 11th, 2003 11:36 AM

like everyone has said, exchange it. you get more for your buck. the border duty free shop is a good place, but if you have an atm or debit card, they are just as easy. :) money mart is way better than at the hotel :)

integrrac April 13th, 2003 03:50 AM

good point i forgot also if you withdrawl money ni an atm in canada it will give you candian cash obvioulsy but it takes out the american equivlant like if you take out 75 bucks in canada then only 50 is taken out of ur account

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