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So, what the heck is going on over there in Toronto with all of the reported SARS cases?!?! It's scarin' the poopy outta me cause I made plans to go to Get Hype, and now Toronto is all diseased!!!!
My first hhc party, and now I have to worry about dying a week later!! ugh. Can anyone tell me how bad it really is way up there?? thanks!! =) shakin' in wisconsin, kOko =) :eek: |
There's already a thread about this, but you have nothing to worry about.
Toronto is a big city with millions of people, it's not "all diseased". AFAIK everyone who's been infected either got it while in Asia or while being at the hospital while infected people were there. No one's gotten it from just being out in the public and they seem to have a good grasp on preventing it from spreading further at this point. |
once again...
the papers and news blow things a little out of proportion.. sure it is a really nasty thing, but it's not like the whole world is getting it, and QUICKLY.. all reported cases are easily traced back to the origonal case. they are taking all these measures to ensure it does NOT spread into an epidemic. Just like they would do with anything else. It's nothing out of the ordinary. If you look at the Toronto papers in the last day or two, they have moved away from headlining SARS... it's dying out now. there's nothting to worry about. |
werd, i'm still gunna be there!!!
no damn sars is keeping me from hulla. :)
sorry about the sars!
wow! sorry that i got you peeepul all rambunktious! i was just reading up on it on a website and that's all i know of it.
how else do people learn about things?--news! i'd like to leave the party on a high note, not with a respritory disease. it's only my health:rolleyes: and you really can't blame me for being concerned. --besides the fact that i will be bringing 4 people with me.-- DJ Tranzit, thanks for being so CALM in your response. kandeegirl2 should learn from you. i think she almost swallowed her pacifier when she read my thread! *breathe in....breathe out*....it's not that serious. hhc has been flowing hard thru my veins for over 7 years now, so it's not like i don't have enough passion for the music; it's just that i want nothing but a super positive experience from this, and no parting gifts;) P.S. WILL I NEED TO BRING MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO GET INTO CANADA? thanks! =) |
YES, they won't let you in without a birth certificate. Well, that's not always true...sometimes they don't check. But the Americans won't let you back into the country without it, so unless you want to be Canadian I would bring it. ;)
MAn two of the people that were making the trip with me backed out becasue of this virus thing. And now tons of people are worried about me going and tellign me all kinds of things not to do. I'm like dude I'm not scared I'm gonna go and have a great time
honey i was being sarcastic....i don't really use the pacifier anymore but yah. i was joking. like in the old man kinda tone.....the shaking finger guy.
^^ hehehe.. But I doo agree with You... Nothing Is keeping me from Hulla This time around.. :D yeA>!
Nothing is keeping me from hulla. And yes, bringing your birth certificate is a good idea, but if you have a drivers license and soc. security card, that will do too. I don't have my birth certificate so I've always used those two... if they ever REALLY get antsy about ID I'll use my military ID but you prolly don' thave one of those, unless you do, in which case use that too. :D </rambling>
Re: sorry about the sars!
I have been to canada a billion times, and i have never had my birth certificate, are you flying or driving? if you are driving bring EVERYTHING you have with your name on it, if you are flying its a little less important to have EVERYTHING atleast in my experience, I am flying, and my drivers licesnce is broke so i am bringing my birth certificate and my college ID just in case.. Carrie oh yea and howdy neighbor i am in MN |
well i don't usually even watch tv but i was at work and its the only thing to do and the news comes on and they mentions like 3 cases in sw pa where i'm at. some fool brought it back from africa or somthing. this is so not stoping me form comming up. ihate the news it seems they mentions stuff sometimes to blow it out of proportion. all of the people who have contracted it here are suposidly recovering from it right this sec. and they said like 100 people world wide has died from it. ugh but here i come canada
all's i can say is that me and my crew are soo pumped to go to this party! i can't wait to meet you peepul......in my kind of purrrfect environment!!
:crazyeye: |
Listen to the News... if you come to toronto, you will instantly get SARS.... (jokes) Toronto over reacts too much, just dont share water that night, thats about it. Other than that, enjoy your night! Kelly |
i'm not scared....only concerned. it's not going to stop me from coming...i am investing alot of time and money into this trip.
i just wanted to get more of a head's up as to what is going on. i surely don't believe everything that is said on the news....if i did, i would never even leave my bedroom. :rolleyes: muah all u lil hhc kids! kOko:) |
I hope to meet you! ^^^
Kelly |
I want SARS!!!
People have died from this disease... That was NOT funny. |
^^^ Just to show ya that people are over reacting over this.... Yes people have died from it, but people still make cancer and aids jokes and its like those numbers don't seem to efect you.
Kelly |
Maybe he meant it. :p |
SARS is probably under control... c'mon now if anyone is even suspected of gettin it BOOM ur under isolation and they got it all under contol, i dont' think all the tax money goes to CDC for nuttin... there aint nuttin to worry about
just as long as u dont' get sea breeze's from peeps u don't knwo LOL u got nuttin to worry about |
All of this may seem like an overreaction to an illness that is not nearly as deadly as West Nile virus — SARS kills 3.7% of its victims, compared with West Nile's mortality rate of 6.7% last year — and evidently much less contagious than measles or even the flu. "It's the type of disease that seems to require a lot of direct close contact with somebody who's pretty sick," says Dr. Stephen Ostroff, deputy director of the National Center for Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.
from an article out of Time Magazine here's the link to the whole thing..... http://www.time.com/time/magazine/a...-441218,00.html |
I heard on the news that SARS kills half of the people that it infects. But since when is the news credible...
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